Thursday, March 10, 2005

New Horror for the Afficiando...

Robert W. Chambers has taken a new place in my heart as a damn good teller of stories that disturb me.

Of particular note is an antholgy he wrote called "The King in Yellow"

Of particular declicious interest is one short tale called "The Yellow Sign"

"You won't believe me, Mr. Scott, sir?"
"Yes, I will."
"You will lawf at
me, sir?"
He hesitated. "Well, sir, it's God's truth that
when I 'it 'im 'e grabbed me wrists, sir, and when I twisted 'is soft, mushy
fist one of 'is fingers come off in me 'and."
The utter loathing and horror
of Thomas' face must have been reflected in my own for he added:
orful, an' now when I see 'im I just go away. 'E maikes me hill."
Thomas had gone I went to the window. The man stood beside the church-railing
with both hands on the gate, but I hastily retreated to my easel again, sickened
and horrified, for I saw that the middle finger of his right hand was missing.

Ahhhh, like a fine chantai, it just rolls around in the mind, tossing putrid fragrance about in the imagination.


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